'One nation, one ration card' scheme to be implemented by June 1 across India.
• 'We will implement the 'one nation, one ration card' scheme by June 1 in the whole country,' says Ram Vilas Paswan
• Under this scheme a beneficiary will be able to avail benefits across the country using the same ration card
Union Minister Ram Vilas Paswan on Monday announced that the 'One Nation, One Ration Card' scheme will be implemented by June 1 across the country.
"We will implement the 'One Nation, One Ration Card' scheme by June 1 in the whole country. Under this scheme a beneficiary will be able to avail benefits across the country using the same ration card," said Paswan while speaking to the reporters here.
Earlier on January 1, Paswan had said that this facility has been started in 12 states in the country on the first day of the New Year.
Under this facility, the beneficiaries of the public distribution of these states can get their share of rations in any of the 12 states in which they are residing, according to the Union Minister for Food and Public Distribution.
Earlier on December 3, Paswan had announced that the 'One Nation, One Ration card' system will be 'implemented without fail in the entire country' by June 30, 2020. (Source: Livemint)
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